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Workplace Bureaucracy – Learn to Break Through the Red Tape!

Posted in Customer Service on September 5, 2012
There are (1) comments permalink


We just published an article about breaking through red tape to get things done and reduce workplace bureaucracy.  Do you deal with a lot of roadblocks due to systems, procedures and processes that prevent you from getting your job done efficiently?


How do you handle these roadblocks?
If one of your employees bypasses procedures to get things done, how do you managing them?


…Please answer our survey on this page.  We are asking the same question of other communities and will publish the comparisons in a few weeks.

Comments (1)

Shadi posted on: January 25, 2013

Hello All,

Simple, if you try one way it couldn't work try other way by mean if you can't go from stage 1 to stage 2 then go to stage 3..........
This with respect to company value and standards..

Best Regards


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What department in your company has more paralyzing process constraints?