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Posts filed under 'Leadership & Teambuilding'

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    June 28, 2012

    Seven Steps to Improving Your Department’s Culture

    Do you want to change the way your team does business?

    There are many philosophies out there on corporate culture.  Some say that it needs to be cultivated over time, but there are ways you can influence your corporate culture by leading change.  Culture is perceived.  That means that if you change perception, you can change culture.  Here are seven steps to improving your department’s culture.   Step One:  Define how your department is currently perceived internally (by each member of your department), by other...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on June 28, 2012

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    June 21, 2012

    Understand The Role You Play In Leadership

    Do you always know which decision is the right decision?

    A True Leader Knows There Is No Right Answer….and finds strength in that. There are many traits that define leadership, but one that stands out is the ability to know there is no right way of doing something.  When at a crossroads with a choice of going straight, left, right, staying put or turning around…how do you make that decision?  Do you see all of your options?  Do you get overwhelmed? Is one choice better than the other?  Is one right and are the others...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on June 21, 2012

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    June 20, 2012

    The Benefits of Team Building and Offsite Meetings

    Is your conference room the right place for team building?

    It is human nature to have a positive correlation between an individual’s motivation and their productivity.   Taking it a step further, a group of motivated individuals can make a productive & creative team which can build better strategies, collaborate better for smoother implementations, develop more innovative products and services and participate in a better work life balance because the stress of everyone out for themselves diminishes.   So how do you motivate your team...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on June 20, 2012

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    June 15, 2012

    Six Practices to Incorporate Into Your Management Routine

    How do you build a strong team?

    As a Manager, you are only as good as those you manage.  So what if the people you manage don’t feel respected or included in your team?  By taking the time to know your employees, listen to them and help them to feel included, you will not only build a stronger team, but you will drive better results.  It all sounds logical, but how do you do this?  Try to incorporate these practices into your management routine:   1) When you get into the office each day, go around and...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on June 15, 2012

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    May 22, 2012

    Eight Actions Anyone Can Take to Influence a Team’s Success

    Are your team meetings a waste of everyone’s time? Do your employees think they are?

    We've all had the unfortunate experience of spending our day tied up in unproductive meetings.  So what are you doing to ensure you don’t waste your time or the time of others?  It does not matter whether you are a VP, Team Leader, have an MBA, or none of the above, because the power of influence transcends titles and educational backgrounds.  It is a reflection of ones ability to communicate, be understood and inspire actions in others.  So let’s focus on improving your...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on May 22, 2012

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