July 7, 2014
Leading in a VUCA World
Management Challenges in the New Age
In the good old days (or so they tell me), senior managers could thoroughly research an issue and deliberate on the pros and cons before reaching a sound decision. Those decisions became precedents, clearly defining a path and eliminating the guesswork. The pace of change was measured, controlled by the leader’s preferences and the team’s capacity and capabilities.
Those days are gone forever. The Center for Creative Leadership has coined a new term – VUCA – to describe the...Continue reading
By Deb CalvertPosted in Management on July 7, 2014
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July 2, 2014
First Line Managers Set the Tone for Team Culture
Don't Make This Silly Mistake With Your Culture
First time supervisors or managers are at the mercy of the organization as a whole when it comes to creating a great team culture to work in.
The biggest, silliest mistake I see new leaders making is:
Thinking they have nothing to do with the culture
That they can’t make a difference
That their job is to just keep doing things the way they have always been done.
From large studies like Gallup Polls, to many smaller surveys through job...Continue reading
By Emilie ShoopPosted in Management on July 2, 2014
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June 16, 2014
Managing Conflict: Six Things NOT to Do
Are you fixing problems on your team or elevating them?
Many new mangers struggle with how to deal with a conflict on their team. Many, many seasoned managers struggle even more with how to deal with a conflict. How you deal with conflicts on your team sets the tone for innovation, progress, and success on your team.
To succeed in helping your team resolve conflicts, there are several things you should always do, but perhaps more importantly, there are also things you should avoid. Here are six ways you could be making a conflict worse, and a...Continue reading
By Emilie ShoopPosted in Management on June 16, 2014
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April 17, 2014
7 Horrible Mistakes You’re Making with Team Communication
Remind your team that communication is critical to everyone’s success.
Effective team communication is critical to your success a leader. Each member on your team, including you, needs to know what is going on, deadlines, expectations, budgets, and more. When information is flowing freely, your team is able to reach and exceed goals.
We all get busy. We all have more than enough work to fill each day. We all get stressed. Unfortunately, that is when our communication skills tend to take a backseat to our other priorities.
Here...Continue reading
By Emilie ShoopPosted in Management on April 17, 2014
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April 4, 2014
Managing Workplace Personalities: The Politician Without A Plan
How to work with and manage difficult people.
We don’t always get to choose the people we work with, nor whom we work for, but if you want to succeed, your relationships with everyone in your work environment must be cultivated, especially as a Manager. Managers need to maximize the potential of their team. If you leave people out because of personality clashes, everyone suffers, especially your results. One of the most annoying and common personalities to prepare for is the politician without a plan. Below are some tactics you can use to...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Management on April 4, 2014
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March 19, 2014
How to Deliver Bad News That Builds Trust & Confidence
3 Steps to Offer Feedforward vs Feedback
Remember the last time you hit your thumb with a hammer? You didn’t think twice when you yelled and let the (expletive) words fly. For a few moments you stopped thinking about the task at hand, caring who was within earshot and instinctively reacted, grabbing your thumb to stop the physical pain.
Your brain went into “survival mode” and reacted. No thinking required. If we had your brain hooked up to a fMRI (a technology used by neuroscientists to produce...Continue reading
By Christina HaxtonPosted in Management on March 19, 2014
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March 17, 2014
15 Things Your Boss Wishes You Knew About Being A First Time Manager
A Guide for First Time Managers & a Resource for Those That Lead Them
There is a lot to learn when becoming a manager for the first time. If you are lucky, you will get ample training to get you up to speed on your company’s policies and procedures. However, if you are like most first time managers, you will learn as you go.
To help you get ahead faster, here are 15 things your boss wishes you knew about being a first time manager.
15 Things Your Boss Wishes You Knew About Being A First Time Manager
1. Start...Continue reading
By Emilie ShoopPosted in Management on March 17, 2014
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February 26, 2014
Time for a Tough Talk
Four Steps to Prepare For a Tough Conversation With Your Employee
Many leaders that I work with really want to focus on external activities. Perfect planning. Clear calendars. Great goals. It feels like you are getting a lot more done that way, right?
As a new leader, I would love it if you could avoid this trap. Truly leading your team means that you are not just getting a bunch of work done, but there is harmony in your team. Communication is clear. Conflicts are constructive. Engagement is high.
If you...Continue reading
By Emilie ShoopPosted in Management on February 26, 2014
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February 7, 2014
Employee Conflict & the Manager’s Role: How to Facilitate Resolution
13 questions that get employees to work things out & move forward.
It is easy to learn how to conduct meetings, find your motivational leadership style and seek ways to engage employees. However, learning to resolve conflict takes a bit of know-how and a bit of practice for most people. Even after the know-how, most people do not relish the chance to resolve a conflict within their team.
As a first time manager or supervisor, what do you do when faced with an employee conflict that is now your job to help resolve?
First, take a...Continue reading
By Emilie ShoopPosted in Management on February 7, 2014
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January 27, 2014
7 Ways to Engage Your Team
Improve Employee Engagement & Reduce Turnover
According to the 2014 Conference Board CEO Challenge, “Building a culture that supports engagement, employee training, leadership development, and high performance is something companies can control, and can mean the difference between growing market share and simply surviving in 2014.”
But that lofty statement includes more than just the CEO’s effort. That means managers – at every level – have got to build some intention around how to better stimulate and engage...Continue reading
By Lea McLeodPosted in Management on January 27, 2014
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