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Focus on these things to succeed in College Student / Recent Graduate

Honing Soft Skills For College Students And Recent Grads




Soft skills, including verbal communication, character traits, and social intelligence, are especially valuable for new professionals looking to secure employment. In fact, in recent surveys, employers rated communication the top skill they look for when hiring new candidates. The good news is that developing “soft skills” is a part of the undergraduate experience: pretty much everything you do in college, and much activity afterwards, can strengthen your communication as an indicator of your viability on the job market.


Prepping For Leadership


Most activities in college are designed to hone soft skills, including public presentation, leadership roles, and teamwork with others. To bulk your abilities as a budding leader, look for organizations within your university that have untapped potential. Often, clubs and societies are looking for students to fill positions, which is a good way to rise to higher leadership capacities. Your university’s career center is also a great place to find workshops in communication strategies: many even offer personal instruction, such as mock interviews, to help you feel equipped to enter the job market.


Entering The Workforce


Once you begin applying to jobs, you should budget for time where you may be unemployed or underemployed before securing full time employment. The first step is to get your finances in order: for graduates who have accumulated debt, look into obtaining lower interest rates for student loans as a means of reducing your monthly payments. Next, as you begin sending out cover letters and resumes, think of your extra time before obtaining a job as an opportunity to further your qualifications. Often, attending leadership conferences, shadowing people in the industry, or taking on freelance or part-time gigs in your field are a great way to network with professionals.


Customize Your Approach 


It’s important to node that methods for business communication vary from field to field. As with any other aspect of job hunting, your written and verbal communication should reflect the industry you want to enter. Often, this means reading up on companies you admire and getting a sense for what kind of language they use to talk about their industry. Of course, virtually all workforces value professionalism and clear communication: which is why honing your soft skills early will help you later in life.


Soft skills are important in every aspect of life, but they’re particularly valuable for college grads looking to secure employment. Regardless of your stage in the job hunt, you will always benefit from honing your communication strategies as a tool to make your more equipped for the workforce.


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