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US Management Grads Need to Invest in Themselves While Job-Hunting




This year in America, hiring gains are taking place in a variety of industries, including transportation, retail, education, hospitality and health, according to Bloomberg.com. Management grads who are preparing to enter the world of business and leadership do have hot career prospects in 2019 and this is good news. To make the most of available opportunities during this bright phase in the US economy, management grads will need to invest in themselves, but many grads are saddled with the burden of paying down significant student loan debt. While prospects are very positive, management grads will need to manage their money effectively while they are job-hunting.


Professional resume services are good investments

312,000 jobs have been added in America so far this year, so it's a great time to apply for a management position. It’s not hard to put together a cookie-cutter resume with or without free digital tools, but management grads may want to go further by investing in professional resume creation services. Competition for entry-level management jobs is fierce. Paying a professional resume service to craft a compelling and concise CV will be a smart way to stand out. Entry-level management resumes should have certain features. They should include keywords pulled from job listings, as most hiring managers now utilize applicant tracking systems to sift through candidates. Resumes of this type should also highlight education, specific skills and examples of tangible achievements in the workplace.


Dressing for success is important

Most millennials prefer a business casual dress code, and this may work in some environments, such as tech or creative workplaces. This doesn’t mean that new management grads (of all ages) should assume that business casual is appropriate for entry-level management interviews. Wearing formal business attire will send a message of respect and authority to prospective employers. Buying tailored suits and crisp shirts will never be a mistake. A study published in The Journal of Research in Personality showed that people assess personality traits and income based on footwear, so be sure to choose great shoes, too. They will be noticed.


Networking is worth the money

Grads need to make payments that cover the cost of college or university educations, but they shouldn't backpedal networking due to the cost of connecting. Student loans are designed to get grads where they want to be in their careers, so grads need to get out there and meet people who can help them to achieve their career goals.  From premium memberships to big social media networking platforms with business focuses, to tickets to events where hiring managers tend to gather and beyond, management grads should make new connections, even though it costs them cold, hard cash. It only takes one successful online or offline connection to spark a whole new career.


Job hunting is a full-time job

Job hunting is hard work. To pay off, it needs to lead to a great job. With so many niches of American industry currently hiring managers, there’s no reason why your job hunt won’t be successful. Boost the odds by investing in yourself, but spend the smart way. Paying for a professional resume creation service, formal business attire and networking will ensure that the odds are in your favor. 2019 is a great time to look for a management job in America.



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