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Articles Tagged - CommunicationSkills

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    August 25, 2013

    The Power of Radical Ownership

    3 Steps To Overcoming Powerlessness & Overwhelm At Work

    Some days I feel powerless.    It starts with a trigger.    My manager uses “that tone.” My kids “overlook” their home chores. My direct report hasn’t completed the task that I thought was a given. A payment to one of my vendors is late because of an “error in paperwork” that no one called to my attention.    It could be anything. But the feeling is like hearing fingernails drawn down a chalkboard. It’s a low-level kind of...Continue reading

    By Claire LaughlinPosted in Professional Development on August 25, 2013

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    July 28, 2013

    The Art of “Managing Up”

    4 Things You Can Do To Ensure Your Own Success

    If you are a frequent visitor to ManagingAmericans.com, your career is probably on an upward trajectory. You are likely looking to expand your knowledge, integrate new skills, and build new networks. And, if you are a growth-minded professional, chances are you are given new responsibilities and opportunities on a regular basis.   But with these opportunities can come stress and overwhelm. One of my clients recently told me about the struggle he was having after being given a “promotion”...Continue reading

    By Claire LaughlinPosted in Communication Skills on July 28, 2013

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    July 21, 2013

    Gadgetry SOS? Two Rules in Response

    Communication Etiquette-The receiver reigns as we try to connect.

    By Sherri Petro, President of VPI Strategies & California Miramar University (CMU) Professor Hey Dick Tracy, Maxwell Smart and Inspector Gadget, I have a beef with you.  I thought all this gadgetry was supposed to help us communicate better and solve problems.  Why are we still having communication issues?  User error, you say?  It’s not the gadget itself, it’s how we use it?   Here’s the tip of our very large communication iceberg. We leverage...Continue reading

    By Sherri PetroPosted in Communication Skills on July 21, 2013

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    June 30, 2013

    How To Flourish As A Presenter: Forming a Presenters Colony

    4 Ways to achieve the support you need to flourish as a public speaker.

    By Peter Paskale, Writer, Coach & Trainer, The Presenters' Blog  Around the USA, beautiful towns and villages celebrate in the title of "Artist's Colony". Long before tourists arrived, a diversity of artists congregated to work together and practice their art.   Cape Cod offers outstanding light, while areas like Sedona have inspiring landscapes, but geographic inspirations aren't the only advantage that artists are seeking out.  By clumping in colonies they receive emotional...Continue reading

    By Peter PaskalePosted in Communication Skills on June 30, 2013

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    June 20, 2013

    Breaking The Rules: Ensure Rules Are Not Limiting Your Effectiveness

    Unleash the creative potential of each and every individual.

    By Claire Laughlin, Consultant & Trainer, Leadership 4 Design As managers, most of us spend a fair bit of time trying to move our organizations forward by orchestrating behavioral change. We look for ways to enhance some behaviors, while minimizing others. We work hard to create the conditions in which our people can perform at their peak, and in concert with each other, thereby creating satisfaction for the individual and success for the organization. One way to improve our effectiveness in this...Continue reading

    By Claire LaughlinPosted in Communication Skills on June 20, 2013

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    June 2, 2013

    4 Essential Skills for Leaders, Managers & High Potentials

    A Must Have for Individual & Team Development

    It does not matter if you are a company President, Operations Leader, Customer Service Representative, Sales & Marketing Director or “name your title”…the need for continuous self improvement is universal.  Successful individuals make a proactive effort to continuously develop four Essential Skills to create a combined ability to:   1. Lead 2. Manage 3. Perform In Their Job 4. Communicate Effectively   This 4-pronged skillset applies to your job, no matter what...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on June 2, 2013

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    April 26, 2013

    OMG, We Need to Establish Work Text-iquette

    4 Tips To Ensure We Are Using This Viable Business Communication Channel Well

    By Sherri Petro, President of VPI Strategies & California Miramar University (CMU) Professor We all know texting and driving is a monumentally bad combination.  What about texting and working?  This is not in reference to texting personally while at work, it’s about using texting as a viable communication channel in our organizations.  How do we use it well?  While HR departments have been modifying their e-policies for use of personal texting, we don’t see much on how...Continue reading

    By Sherri PetroPosted in Communication Skills on April 26, 2013

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    April 15, 2013

    3 Easy Steps To Refine Your Communication Skills & Influence Change

    Developing ‘Communication Appreciation’ Can Reshape Your Relationships At Work

    By Claire Laughlin, Consultant & Trainer, Leadership 4 Design “Words can’t describe it.” This phrase comes to our aid when we have experiences that seem beyond description. But the truth is, when we DO have words to describe things, we are far more capable of making change and learning from our life & business experiences.   Many of us have challenges communicating with others. “I can’t talk to my boss.” “I don’t understand my...Continue reading

    By Claire LaughlinPosted in Communication Skills on April 15, 2013

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    April 4, 2013

    5 Brain Based Learning Strategies for Leadership Effectiveness

    Communication strategies to improve your conversations and meeting results.

    By Christina Haxton, Speaker, Author & Executive Coach, Sustainable Leadership, Inc. The way we communicate determines our ablity to engage, motivate and inspire creativity in our team.  Unfortanately, the skills needed to communicate effectively are sometimes lost because what we see and hear in ourselves as a leader is not always the same as what our employees experience during conversations and meetings.  By using Brain Based Learning Strategies we can develop a new...Continue reading

    By Christina HaxtonPosted in Management on April 4, 2013

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    April 1, 2013

    3 Communication Techniques To Lead Effective Conversations

    Steer the Conversation by Asking Better Questions

    By Deb Calvert, President, People First Productivity Solutions In the workplace, there’s something about questions that makes people uncomfortable. As a result, we often fail to ask the questions that would elicit information we need in order to be effective.  There are three essential communication techniques you can use to break through these barriers and steer toward effective conversations.    1)     Share Your Intention 2)     Be...Continue reading

    By Deb CalvertPosted in Communication Skills on April 1, 2013

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