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Articles Tagged - TeamBuilding

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    November 3, 2013

    Developing An Emotionally Intelligent Organization

    Breaking Down EQ Barriers By Giving Your Organization a Voice

    Over the last few months I’ve spent a lot of time talking with executives about emotional intelligence and the impact it has on results.  One individual whom I would deem as highly emotionally intelligent expressed disappointment in his own executive peer group. During their recent strategy session the dialog was focused on results, structural reasons for results, external market reasons for results, any reason for results that did not require an understanding or accountability for what is...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on November 3, 2013

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    October 27, 2013

    4 Key Strategies to Engage Your Employees

    You have more influence over employee engagement than you might think.

    Many managers and supervisors tell me that they wish their employees would be more engaged. They want to see higher degrees of enthusiasm, ownership, commitment and accountability throughout the ranks on a daily basis. Maybe you have felt this way. But as a manager, you have more influence over employee engagement than you might think. Read on to learn 4 ways that you can positively influence employee engagement.    As managers, we dream of having employees that...Continue reading

    By Claire LaughlinPosted in Management on October 27, 2013

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    September 19, 2013

    7 Steps You Can Take to Make Your Team More Productive

    What Works for Your Team?

    As a first time manager, you have a lot to learn about leading and managing your team.  A LOT.  Unfortunately, the one thing I see new managers overlooking time and time again is that you have a whole team to help you in that process.  The team knows the work that is being done, the work that needs to be done, what works and what doesn’t.     When I became a manager for the first time, I wanted to do everything right.  I wanted to hold the right meetings, the right...Continue reading

    By Emilie ShoopPosted in Management on September 19, 2013

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    August 15, 2013

    How to Prevent Cultural Conflict In International Organizations

    3 Mechanisms International Managers Can Use To Strengthen Their Teams

    Conflict and difference can separate or strengthen corporate teams, depending on how they are handled.    When handled poorly Separateness can fester into fears and incorrect judgments, all taking focus and energy off the very reason the organization exists, whereas when handled well, diverse approaches, insights and opinions have the potential to foster unity, increase teamwork and productivity.     When any conflict is not managed well, and the difference that exists is...Continue reading

    By Debbie NicolPosted in International Management on August 15, 2013

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    July 16, 2013

    Apathy and Leadership

    6 Steps to Overcoming Apathy Within Yourself & Your Team

    By Jayne Jenkins, CEO, Churchill Leadership Group When you think about apathy and the impact it can have on your business, leadership may not be the first place you look, but maybe it should be. By definition Apathy is a state of indifference, or the suppression of emotions such as concern, excitement, motivation and passion. Business leaders actively work to reduce apathy in an effort to increase "employee engagement" because once Apathy sets in, individuals become "disengaged" or even "unengaged"...Continue reading

    By Jayne JenkinsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on July 16, 2013

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    July 2, 2013

    A New Leadership Key Performance Indicator

    A Billion Words of Leadership – Is it time for a Leadership Checkup?

    By Joseph Skursky, President of Market Leader Solutions The commitment of leadership to principles, standards, and strategic direction cannot be overstated in terms of the critical importance they play in organizational performance. Too many leaders, however, focus on motivational talk with persuasive or even commanding language, while ignoring the most important and influential directive of all…their own actions.   A leader’s actions communicate far more than the words they...Continue reading

    By Joseph SkurskyPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on July 2, 2013

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    June 16, 2013

    6 Approaches to Problem Solving For You & Your Team

    Make your team’s problem solving strategy a competitive advantage.

    Your ability to solve problems impacts success in life, as a team, and ultimately, the success of your business. That’s why it is so important to understand your strengths and weaknesses as you approach problems.  This awareness can help you gage whether or not the situation requires your skill, the skill of another team member or a combination of the two.  Effective problem solving is an opportunity to move forward, rather than mitigate a setback.  If you approach it in that light,...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Management on June 16, 2013

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    June 2, 2013

    4 Essential Skills for Leaders, Managers & High Potentials

    A Must Have for Individual & Team Development

    It does not matter if you are a company President, Operations Leader, Customer Service Representative, Sales & Marketing Director or “name your title”…the need for continuous self improvement is universal.  Successful individuals make a proactive effort to continuously develop four Essential Skills to create a combined ability to:   1. Lead 2. Manage 3. Perform In Their Job 4. Communicate Effectively   This 4-pronged skillset applies to your job, no matter what...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on June 2, 2013

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    March 4, 2013

    Overcoming Disconnect Between Middle & Upper Management

    Is your management team preventing growth or are they a competitive advantage?

    Two common themes exist in most organizations.  “Upper Management is too distant.”  “Middle Management is too independent.”  Essentially they are saying the same thing right?  There is disconnect between management levels that causes animosity, poor moral, and an inability to get things done efficiently & effectively.  Now, I could write this article about how to overcome disconnect by dealing with the problems, but I’m sure you can read about that...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on March 4, 2013

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    February 11, 2013

    How to Manage Team Conflict: 4 Types of Conflict All Managers Must Address

    Management’s objective is not to resolve conflict, it is to overcome it.

    Conflict is an uncomfortable aspect of any relationship, especially when it exists among members of your team.  As a manager, you have the responsibility to not only address the issues as they come up, but also to establish a culture that prevents them from occurring in the first place.  Doing this requires an emotional awareness of relationships among team members, between you and your employees, and your employees and other departments.  Your ability to manage conflict successfully is...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Management on February 11, 2013

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