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Articles Tagged - Teambuilding

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    February 6, 2013

    Top 15 Leadership, Management & Team Building Retreats in the US - 2013

    Offsite Meeting Checklist & Guide to Effective Meeting Management

    Offsite meetings can provide a cost effective way to bring several benefits to your organization, and team, if you know how to take full advantage of them through choice of venue, proper planning, execution and event follow-up.  At ManagingAmericans.com we believe the right venue provides the ability to keep your group focused on creativity, teamwork & generating better business results once they return to work.  There are many beautiful, relaxing and luxurious meeting locations across the...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on February 6, 2013

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    February 4, 2013

    The Secret to Change Management

    5 Critical Elements to Successful Change Management Programs

    The phrase ‘Change Management’ has almost become a cliché in the corporate world.  Many companies and consultants claim to be experts on the subject, but indeed, it's doubtful that any have become masters. Why would this be the case?  Because every company, culture, environment and situation is different, there is not just one common recipe for Change Management that applies to all.   So what can you do to implement a Change Management strategy that works for your...Continue reading

    By Julie BrignacPosted in Project & Process Management on February 4, 2013

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    January 23, 2013

    Lessons Learned Templates & Guide: A Managers Toolkit for Continuous Improvement

    Create a cultural shift that will improve your bottom line & make you more competitive.

    It happens to all of us.  Our organization, employees or project teams make mistakes and change course, table good ideas for a “later” date, or receive unsolicited & undocumented feedback from customers. Unfortunately, we forget to address these lessons as actionable opportunities on how TO DO or how NOT TO DO whatever it is that we learned.  Instead of capturing and maintain this knowledge, we put it on the back burner assuming we will get to it later, or that we will remember to...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on January 23, 2013

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    January 7, 2013

    8 Simple Steps to Streamline Your Process, Increase Profits & Customer Loyalty

    In order to reduce the chaos in your organization you need to know where it exists…so do you?

    Within any organization there is constant movement: people come and go, management changes, ideas and work processes get updated.  In addition to internal flows, external factors ‘poke’ at the organization forcing reactions that may or may not be streamlined into existing processes: technology advancements, increased customer expectations, supplier demands, market competition.  Chaos is the reality of most organizations, but they don’t realize it until the bottom line suffers;...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on January 7, 2013

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    December 12, 2012

    Reflect on 2012 to Create a Stronger 2013

    What does your company do to start the year off energized & engaged?

    By Gina Fedeli, President GCF Consulting, Inc. With the end of the year approaching, it’s an ideal time to review 2012’s accomplishments and to plan for 2013. It’s a chance to celebrate achievements and to reinforce the behavior that made them possible.  It’s also an opportunity to evaluate the year’s mistakes so that they can be avoided in the future.   In addition to developing high-level business goals for 2013, assess the company’s mission and...Continue reading

    By Gina FedeliPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on December 12, 2012

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    December 3, 2012

    Lacking Good Mentorship? Is the Problem You, Your Boss or Your Employee?

    Understand the problem and improve business results.

    There is no written rule that Managers or Leaders are good mentors.  Mentorship is an added perk that is shared between two people if the stars align...meaning, it takes a knowledgeable Mentor and a willing Mentee to make the relationship work.  Just because there is a working relationship does not mean the ‘knowledge’ or the ‘willingness’ exist…there needs to be the right balance.   So how do you find this balance?  Is the problem you, your boss or your...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Management on December 3, 2012

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    July 1, 2012

    Drive Your Team With One Simple Tool

    Learn How Action Oriented Team Management Can Drive Timely Results.

    Do your team or project meetings sound something like this… “Oh, was I supposed to do that?  I thought someone else had that responsibility.  Was that due already?”  When you ask someone for an update on a task that was issued to him or her during the group’s previous meeting, how do you respond to excuses?  It is frustrating for you and for those who are getting their tasks done.  So how can you ensure your team does not find itself behind schedule or...Continue reading

    By Dan WoodsPosted in Management on July 1, 2012

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    June 28, 2012

    Seven Steps to Improving Your Department’s Culture

    Do you want to change the way your team does business?

    There are many philosophies out there on corporate culture.  Some say that it needs to be cultivated over time, but there are ways you can influence your corporate culture by leading change.  Culture is perceived.  That means that if you change perception, you can change culture.  Here are seven steps to improving your department’s culture.   Step One:  Define how your department is currently perceived internally (by each member of your department), by other...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on June 28, 2012

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    June 20, 2012

    The Benefits of Team Building and Offsite Meetings

    Is your conference room the right place for team building?

    It is human nature to have a positive correlation between an individual’s motivation and their productivity.   Taking it a step further, a group of motivated individuals can make a productive & creative team which can build better strategies, collaborate better for smoother implementations, develop more innovative products and services and participate in a better work life balance because the stress of everyone out for themselves diminishes.   So how do you motivate your team...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on June 20, 2012

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    June 15, 2012

    Six Practices to Incorporate Into Your Management Routine

    How do you build a strong team?

    As a Manager, you are only as good as those you manage.  So what if the people you manage don’t feel respected or included in your team?  By taking the time to know your employees, listen to them and help them to feel included, you will not only build a stronger team, but you will drive better results.  It all sounds logical, but how do you do this?  Try to incorporate these practices into your management routine:   1) When you get into the office each day, go around and...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on June 15, 2012

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