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Human Resources
Joined: February 2012
Posts: 4
Posted: April 13, 2012 3:02 PM

I am in corporate HR and always feel there is struggle in my relationship with plant managers when it comes to managing the plant HR personnel. It is very hard for me to implement standard practices because there is a dotted line to me and the local HR reports directly to the Plant Manager. Any thoughts on how I can get stuff done more effectively without feeling like i am interrupting business?

Operations, Logistics & Engineering
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 8
Posted: September 18, 2012 12:20 PM

RE: Corporate HR and Plant Manager Relationships
One of those tough management situations. No "one size fits all" answer will work, but perhaps the following principals might be helpful.

I noticed you want to "implement standard practices" but because of what I understand to be an matrix organizational relationship you can't really direct.

It has been my experience in these situations that instead of coming up with a great plan and then figuring out how you get these local HR representatives to implement your plan that you should let them come up with the plan.

Specifically, bring them into the process at the beginning of the discussion. Don't walk in with any perceived notion of how things should be...rather identify a problem that exists across your plant(s) and bring the HR team together to work through possible solutions. You become the moderator for change as opposed to the implementer of change and you are left with HR staff who now own their own changes (of course depending on a long list of variables I might not be aware of).

Give that a shot and see how it works.
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What department in your company has more paralyzing process constraints?