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Quality & Safety
Joined: January 2020
Posts: 1
Posted: January 23, 2020 8:51 PM

I would like to know, from those who manage, does your company use bell curve performance reviews and if so, how do you sleep at night knowing you are underrating a high performing employee (or group of employees) with cost sensibilities in mind? Its a brutal, archaic system not based in any fundamentally sound statistical model. Thoughts? Would love to hear this one.

Quality & Safety
Joined: May 2012
Posts: 6
Posted: January 28, 2020 1:38 PM

RE: Bell curve performance reviews
I agree! A Bell Curve is a tool used to manage funds, not develop people.

Unfortunately some organizations still use this process. The advice I give managers who are faced with this tool, is to rate employee performance without the bell curve in mind. Then, once all ratings are complete, compare those results on a bell curve to see if a natural curve exists. In many cases it will. It is easy at that point to stay focused on the employee and not the tool.

Now, when the curve does not align, it is up to the manager to define & justify exceptions to the curve. Most companies should, and will, take these exceptions into account.

The key is to manage and rate employee performance based on employee development...not the curve. This is where a good manager shines.

Hope that helps,

Quality & Safety
Joined: May 2020
Posts: 4
Posted: May 26, 2020 12:00 AM

RE: Bell curve performance reviews

Thank you very much for the reply, I will work on the information you gave me.

Quality & Safety
Joined: May 2020
Posts: 4
Posted: May 26, 2020 12:00 AM

RE: Bell curve performance reviews

impressive words.

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