
Expert Panel

Focus on these things to succeed in Woman Executive

Don’t forget that you are lady!


Many times women executives will say they learned to golf, talk sports, and go out for drinks with the guys to be able to fit into their team better.  Those could be good tools for you to improve your comfort during certain events, however, don’t be afraid to be feminine!  You don’t need to like sports to succeed, and you don’t need to become one of the guys to be considered on the team.  Focus on the work and enjoy the fact that you are different; being a woman in business has great advantages, use them to your advantage, take the lead and set the stage for future generations.  Besides, you did not make it this far because you can golf, try the spa next time to rest your mind before you take the lead in the meeting!



Do you feel the need to work harder than your male counterparts in order to prove yourself?