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Executive Leadership / General Management
Joined: April 2012
Posts: 23
Posted: April 23, 2012 10:37 AM

A Junior Military Officer (JMO) is typically someone who has spent 3-6 years active duty as a commissioned officer rank (O1 - O3). The sourcing for this can be Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines or Navy. This is typically a very diverse group of candidates from various economic and social backgrounds. The commissioning sources for officers is Service Academies (West Point, Air Force Academy, Naval Academy), ROTC programs or Officer Basic Course.

Managing Junior Military Officers
Joined: April 2012
Posts: 3
Posted: April 23, 2012 12:20 PM

RE: What is a Junior Military Officer (JMO)
Another thing we have found is that these individuals have fantastic educations. They come from top Universities in the country and many have earned a masters degree or MBA during their military service.
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