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How can you get the company President to support your Quality program?

Posted in Quality & Safety on March 23, 2012
There are (2) comments permalink


Sam has been the Quality Engineer at a plastics manufacturing company for five years.  He reports to John, the Operations Director, and has enjoyed a good personal relationship with him despite the fact that Operations spends most of its time cost cutting while quality is focused on resolving customer complaints.  The company President was never supportive of Sam or John’s initiatives to create a more robust quality program.  Recently the company President retired and Sam is excited to once again start pushing his idea to build a robust program.  John is preoccupied with production issues leaving Sam to fight on his own.

  • How can Sam introduce his ideas to the new President? 
  • What metrics can he use to show that Quality needs a larger emphasis from the company’s leadership? 
  • How can Sam convince John to put higher quality controls in place when they contradict his cost cutting initiatives?


Comments (2)

SalesAddict posted on: April 24, 2012

I agree with "LeanLeader"''s comments. From a sales perspective a strong quality program that focuses on good customer relationships is a selling tool. If Sam works with sales he could probably spend some time visiting customers to get a better idea about issues that exists, and standards the customer is looking for to make longer term commitments. This is another approach to get the President''s attention on the issue.

LeanLeader posted on: April 13, 2012

A robust quality program should not be confined to the walls of production. It should reach into the continuous improvement efforts of all aspects of the company. I think Sam should partner with customer service, procurement, accounting and other areas of the company to do an evaluation of work errors. If he can analyze quality complaints from customers and find where the errors are originating, he can present this to the new president along with a quality plan to start tackling the processes to prevent errors in the future. He should focus his dialog on total quality, not just operations.

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Does senior leadership support your Quality program?