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Articles Tagged - Management

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    May 3, 2013

    Best In Class Sourcing: 5 Actions That Put Your Money to Work

    What Happened to Strategic Profit Building?

    In today’s economic environment companies must take control of how their money is being put to work.  Although many believe they are already doing this by slicing headcount, restricting or eliminating bonuses and cutting operational costs, these short term cost cutting initiatives are just that, short term.  They generate profits but often lead to damage over the medium and long term because they lack the strategic focus needed to generate real revenue growth.   The Pros & Cons...Continue reading

    By Julie BrignacPosted in Purchasing & Supply Chain on May 3, 2013

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    April 30, 2013

    3 Tips For Integrating Corporate Culture Into Developing Nations

    How does your leadership approach change from country to country?

    By Debbie Nicol, Managing Director, 'business en motion" Developing nations are just that – developing!  Similar to a child, as he or she develops, time is spent gathering information, experiencing different perspectives, receiving guidance, strengthening foundations and making choices that will provide a road to their desired future. This process is no different for developing nations.  International organizations must take all of this into consideration when they establish...Continue reading

    By Debbie NicolPosted in International Management on April 30, 2013

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    April 29, 2013

    Bridge The Gap Between Employee Needs & Employer Expectations

    Do You Lack The Tools & Resources To Do Your Job Effectively?

    From time to time we survey business professionals regarding challenges they face.  One of the most common responses is that they lack the tools & resources to do their jobs effectively.  This struggle spans all job levels and departmental functions, and most definitely impacts your own organization, possibly starting with you.  So what can you do to personally overcome this obstacle, and what can you as a manager or business leader do to proactively use this challenge as an opportunity...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on April 29, 2013

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    April 25, 2013

    It’s All About The People: Advice For New Managers

    Making the mental shift from your own work to managing the work of others.

    By Emilie Shoop, Creator and Leader of Shoop Training & Consulting People are the key to getting anything done within an organization.  It doesn’t matter if you make widgets or sell magic spells.  Without the people, none of it is possible. One of the biggest challenges for new managers is making the shift from ‘It’s all about the work’ to ‘It’s all about the people’.  Many new managers, if not all, struggle with this shift.  From what...Continue reading

    By Emilie ShoopPosted in Management on April 25, 2013

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    April 22, 2013

    Caring For The High Maintenance/High Value Employee

    How to identify greatness & generate peak performance in complex individuals.

    Throughout your career you will encounter many personalities, some difficult, some easygoing, some annoying, some inspiring.  But there is one that I would describe as the most complex personality of all:  The High Maintenance/High Value Employee.  They earn that name because they require a full fledged management program to reach their peak performance, coupled with an extensive maintenance program to keep them functioning there.  It sounds like a lot of work and it is, but when it...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Management on April 22, 2013

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    April 7, 2013

    5 Keys to Effective Delegation: How Leaders Assign Responsibility & Authority

    How do you rank levels of trust & authority in your team?

    By Jayne Jenkins, CEO, Churchill Leadership Group As business leaders we experience constant pressure from all sides, but our time and energy to get things done and deliver results is limited. What do we do? Delegate effectively.   Years ago as a new manager in the corporate world I suddenly found myself with twelve people reporting to me, a lot more travel and a hefty sales goal to deliver. I felt overwhelmed, sometimes incapable. Not only was I still learning how to do the job and learn...Continue reading

    By Jayne JenkinsPosted in Management on April 7, 2013

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    April 4, 2013

    5 Brain Based Learning Strategies for Leadership Effectiveness

    Communication strategies to improve your conversations and meeting results.

    By Christina Haxton, Speaker, Author & Executive Coach, Sustainable Leadership, Inc. The way we communicate determines our ablity to engage, motivate and inspire creativity in our team.  Unfortanately, the skills needed to communicate effectively are sometimes lost because what we see and hear in ourselves as a leader is not always the same as what our employees experience during conversations and meetings.  By using Brain Based Learning Strategies we can develop a new...Continue reading

    By Christina HaxtonPosted in Management on April 4, 2013

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    March 24, 2013

    Emotional Intelligence for the New Leader

    Using Emotional Intelligence to Manage Criticism: 4 Actions You Can Take

    By Emilie Shoop, Creator and Leader of Shoop Training & Consulting The concept of Emotional Intelligence was popularized in 1996 by author Daniel Goleman in his bestselling book entitled Emotional Intelligence.  Through both brain and behavioral research, Goleman makes the case that rather than IQ or technical skills, Emotional Intelligence is a better predictor for success especially in leadership.  What does that mean for you?  It means that how you approach life and handle...Continue reading

    By Emilie ShoopPosted in Management on March 24, 2013

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    March 21, 2013

    The Essence of Effective Hiring: 4 Steps to Improve Business Results

    A NEW 80/20 Rule for Human Resources & Management

    By Joseph Skursky, President of Market Leader Solutions Have you ever felt like you’re paddling as hard as you can to go upstream but just can’t seem to make any progress? If you have, you’re not alone. I see this quite often both in HR and in leadership areas. Most often, the cause is the same.   People.   If they just did what they were supposed to do… If they cared even half as much as you do… If they weren't so difficult...Continue reading

    By Joseph SkurskyPosted in Human Resources on March 21, 2013

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    March 21, 2013

    3 Tips To Understanding Cultural Differences Before You Act

    When Communication Meets Culture

    By Debbie Nicol, Managing Director, 'business en motion" Communication makes the world go around – or does it?  When a person enters a new work & country culture, communication challenges seem to top the list of ‘lessons learned’. Why is it that an international manager can get something so basic, so wrong?  The reasons can be seen contextualised in three everyday communication scenarios:  Meetings Individualised feedback Providing Instructions Following...Continue reading

    By Debbie NicolPosted in International Management on March 21, 2013

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