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Executive Leadership / General Management
Joined: April 2012
Posts: 17
Posted: April 27, 2012 11:18 PM

Whether it is product, service or strategy oriented, Innovation is a key to a company's growth and a key to successful marketing. There are many courses available, as well as books on the subject. It is a part of marketing that is often ignored or left for others in the organization to manage; this should not be the case. Innovation must be an integral part of every marketing plan, and it must be managed both internally, throughout processes and product development efforts, as well as externally, promoting the results of innovation to the marketplace. Innovation makes a company a leader and it ensures higher profits. By making innovation part of your professional development training, you will set yourself up for success as an integral part of your company's future.

Marketing & Communications
Joined: March 2012
Posts: 8
Posted: September 18, 2012 12:15 PM

RE: Marketing professionals should study innovation.
Innovation is the lifeblood of really great companies and staying ahead of the competition. In particular is the ability to manage this innovation process and lining up your R&D in a larger road-map. All the innovative baby-steps lead up to tremendous advancements.

Marketing & Communications
Joined: April 2013
Posts: 1
Posted: April 26, 2013 11:21 AM

RE: Marketing professionals should study innovation.
This will always work if following the innovative to come out in the market ...well said innovation is must..
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Do you have a formal process in place to track ROI for your marketing programs?