November 21, 2013
5 Steps to a Great Thought Leadership Marketing Strategy
What future do you see for your organization?
You believe in the potential of thought leadership marketing. You know it can be a game changer. You see it working wonders for businesses all around. But, wait a second: How do you make it work for yourself?
Thought leadership marketing needn’t be an intimidating task. Like much of life, success in thought leadership marketing boils down to having clarity of thought and purpose. Here’s a five step ready-reckoner to help you get started to establish your thought leadership...Continue reading
By Karthik NagendraPosted in Marketing & Innovation on November 21, 2013
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November 19, 2013
On a Power Trip? You May Find Yourself Flying Solo
3 Common Abuses of Power Made By Senior Managers
As an eighth grader, I really struggled with George Orwell's "Animal Farm." The central theme – absolute power corrupts absolutely – didn't resonate with me. Miss Lally tried, but what she described was too far removed from my own limited experiences.
Lately, though, I've been replaying those words. I'm recognizing this theme in real life. I'm keenly aware of power plays and abuses of power, more mindful of how harmful they can be as I see them affecting people I've worked with and cared...Continue reading
By Deb CalvertPosted in Management on November 19, 2013
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November 16, 2013
Promises, Promises: The Power of Keeping Our Word
5 Things You & Your Team Can Do To Create An Accountable Culture
While Halloween is long gone, we still are graced with a scary word that is permeating corporate consciousness. It’s four-----teen letters. It has executives, middle management and front line supervisors stumbling and bumbling around looking for answers. The lack of it is often talked about as the reason for our business woes.
Lack of passion? Nope, that’s only 7 letters. Lack of engagement? Still too short, but a great guess! Need more...Continue reading
By Sherri PetroPosted in Management on November 16, 2013
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November 14, 2013
Customer Service Lessons from the Health Care Industry
Do Your Ads and Reality Match?
I have noticed that some medical practices and hospitals have invested a lot of time, money and effort in creating newspaper ads, billboard signs and commercials that show the happy faces of care givers who can’t wait for the patients (customers) to come in. I often wonder why the patient’s reality with medical customer service includes cranky receptionists, patronizing billing and insurance clerks, and those who can’t wait for their shift to be over. If they took the time to...Continue reading
By Lori MillerPosted in Customer Service on November 14, 2013
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November 12, 2013
Engaging Your Employees…Clear Expectations
Get people to work hard for you, regardless if you are in the room.
The small IT Company that I once worked for had a ton of potential. But after awhile I realized almost everyone was unhappy. There was a lot of solidarity and “stick it to the man” mentality. Being new to the organization, I approached my manger and the owner about the concerns I had about the level of unhappiness in this tiny business…we’re talking 15 people…and I was shocked at their response!
To them it was all the employees’ fault...Continue reading
By Emilie ShoopPosted in Management on November 12, 2013
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November 10, 2013
Management Advice From Veterans Who Made The Corporate Transition
Do your part to help our Veterans succeed.
Many private sector companies actively seek out Ex-Military Officers to fill employment opportunities. They hire them into their leadership programs and management positions with a great deal of confidence that they will bring a unique skill set and accelerated management experience to strengthen their organization. These individuals can walk into a leadership or management role, learn quickly, make decisions and move forward with confidence. Their transition, however, can be personally challenging due to...Continue reading
By Dan WoodsPosted in Military Officer Transition on November 10, 2013
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November 7, 2013
Essential Mechanisms to Survive Corporate Life Abroad
At what cost is an expatriate life?
An international manager stands to gains so much in life, yet lets not forget how much he can also forsake! When the going gets tough, or when a natural or man-made disaster strikes, what is it that really counts?
Three Examples of Real Life Experiences
The Kenya Mall Attack has demonstrated how vulnerable expats (and humanity in total) really can be. An embassy worker decided to get the groceries from her favorite shopping center and enjoy a relaxing...Continue reading
By Debbie NicolPosted in International Management on November 7, 2013
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November 5, 2013
Are You a Pushy Salesperson?
Don’t let your fear of being pushy compromise your effectiveness.
There’s a fine line between assertive and aggressive when you are a seller. Most sales people err on the side of caution because they want to avoid being thought of as the stereotypical, pushy seller. I suppose that’s why one of the most common questions I hear in sales coaching and training is “won’t I seem too pushy?”
While I appreciate the sentiment and understand how no one wants to be THAT salesperson, this has become an exaggerated fear. As such, it is severely...Continue reading
By Deb CalvertPosted in Sales & Business Development on November 5, 2013
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November 3, 2013
Developing An Emotionally Intelligent Organization
Breaking Down EQ Barriers By Giving Your Organization a Voice
Over the last few months I’ve spent a lot of time talking with executives about emotional intelligence and the impact it has on results. One individual whom I would deem as highly emotionally intelligent expressed disappointment in his own executive peer group. During their recent strategy session the dialog was focused on results, structural reasons for results, external market reasons for results, any reason for results that did not require an understanding or accountability for what is...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on November 3, 2013
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October 31, 2013
Personal Motivators-A Straighter Path Toward High Engagement
Lessons in Leadership Genius
Business success depends on the timing and fulfillment of customer-centric needs or desires. Many companies get that right, although some of it is simply by luck.
On the other hand, long-term and sustainable success requires, among other things, the critical element of a highly engaged workforce. This is always a deliberate effort by leadership to gain the commitment of their people…and never happens by luck or happenstance.
This brings to mind the email signature line...Continue reading
By Joseph SkurskyPosted in Human Resources on October 31, 2013
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