November 14, 2012
When Can Adaptability Slip Into Compromise? Pitfalls of International Management
Learn how to balance your approach to cultural norms without losing sight of your objectives.
By Debbie Nicol, Managing Director, 'business en motion'
On some recent business trips, I managed to find a moment to visit the natural wonders of local beaches. In Ghana, the width and breadth of the beach and ocean was a patchwork of blue and black plastic bags whilst on mainland Thailand, the first 200m offshore proudly displayed brown-green ocean water, silently persuading those blue ocean lovers to remain on terra firma. These observations reinforced a previous insight, or was it an...Continue reading
By Debbie NicolPosted in International Management on November 14, 2012
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November 12, 2012
A Project Manager’s Guide to Proper Care & Feeding of Project Issues
Learn how to manage the small, seemingly harmless complications before they escalate and damage your career.
By Ron Montgomery, Management Consultant & Owner, OnPoint, LLC
Your project kick off meeting was a great success and the team is beginning to execute the plan. Then some nefarious trolls begin to arrive in your email inbox. They vary in external appearance, but they have a common name: Project Issues. When they first arrive, they are small and appear to be harmless. When ignored, they grow and multiply and sometimes damage the project manager’s career....Continue reading
By Ron MontgomeryPosted in Project & Process Management on November 12, 2012
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November 8, 2012
Can You Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?
Six preferred learning styles for adults-Adapt your message for a better response.
By Deb Calvert, President, People First Productivity Solutions
It’s been said that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks (I can say that because I’d qualify as an “old dog”). There would be a true statement if it were slightly modified to read, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks the same way that you’d teach a puppy.”
That’s because adults do not learn the same way that children do. Children are like sponges, soaking up...Continue reading
By Deb CalvertPosted in Communication Skills on November 8, 2012
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November 4, 2012
Six Steps Managers Need To Follow When Hiring Junior Military Officers
Make sure you are prepared: a successful transition for your employee is a successful hire for your team.
Many private sector companies actively seek out Junior Military Officers to fill employment opportunities. They hire them into their leadership programs and management positions with a great deal of confidence that they will bring a unique skill set and accelerated management experience to strengthen their organization. These individuals can walk into a leadership or management role, learn quickly, make decisions and move forward with confidence. Their transition, however, can be personally challenging due...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Military Officer Transition on November 4, 2012
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October 31, 2012
Six Success Tips For Operations Professionals
Is your Operations Group aligned with your company’s vision?
As market dynamics change, so should your operations group. Make sure you are being proactive, able to adapt and stay competitive. Here are six success tips all operations professionals should incorporate into their routine.
Focus on Communication input and output.
Often times operations becomes a microcosm of its own and loses touch unintentionally, sometimes deliberately, with the rest of the organization. Don’t let this happen. Be open to market demands and listen to your...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Operations on October 31, 2012
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October 28, 2012
Success Traits for IT Professionals-A Guide to feeling AND being appreciated.
Six things all IT Professionals should do to succeed in their careers.
Let’s face it...IT Professionals are not always the most extroverted personalities when it comes to interaction outside of their own department. That can be problematic for them, as well as for the overall success of the company. As a service oriented department, personality and responsiveness are so important, but so is the value their unique and fast paced knowledge can bring. By integrating Success Traits into their routine they will be able integrate their talents into the...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Information Technology on October 28, 2012
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October 24, 2012
Taking The Mystery Out Of Acquisitions
Understanding Due Diligence: the impact it has on decision-making, and on employees.
By David Shaffer, Business Advisor & Executive Coach, David Shaffer Consulting LLC
When word surfaces that your company is a potential target for acquisition, or that you are targeting another company for acquisition, rumors typically start to fly. For many employees the unknown leads to fear, concern, and the inevitable question of what will happen both to the company and more importantly to “Me”. Fear stems from employees believing that acquisitions are synonymous with a...Continue reading
By David ShafferPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on October 24, 2012
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October 21, 2012
Don’t Forget to Delegate!
Whether you are a first time manager or a seasoned pro, delegating is essential to effective management.
By Emilie Shoop, Creator and Leader of Shoop Training & Consulting
Now that you are the manager or supervisor you need to stop doing the work. Now, I’m not saying you won’t have any work to do! Sorry, you won’t get off that easy here. What I am saying, however, is that your role has changed. It is no longer your job to get the bulk of the work done, but to manage it getting done. There is a big difference.
Moving into a management role...Continue reading
By Emilie ShoopPosted in Management on October 21, 2012
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October 15, 2012
Political Advice for Project Managers: Navigating Office Politics
Four Tips to Achieve Your Goals & Overcome Workplace Opposition
By Ron Montgomery, Management Consultant & Owner, OnPoint, LLC
Project managers go through extensive professional development to prepare for the job. They study scheduling, budgeting, team dynamics, communication, and change management among other subjects. Conspicuously absent from the typical project management syllabus is the study of company politics. This is unfortunate because projects are to great extent political activities.
Why are they political...Continue reading
By Ron MontgomeryPosted in Project & Process Management on October 15, 2012
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October 14, 2012
Success Tips For Middle Managers
How can Middle Managers develop their skills?
Your organization counts on you to get things done. So how do you ensure your influence, as a Middle Manager, is enough to lead the charge? Are you doing the right things? Here are six important tips to create an environment that sets you, your staff, and your company up for success.
Gain the respect of your employees by knowing how to do their jobs well.
Managing an employee is not only about delegating, but guiding, supporting and helping them to get better at their...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Management on October 14, 2012
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