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How can you accommodate an internship into your work/school schedule?

Posted in College Student / Recent Graduate on March 21, 2012
There are (3) comments permalink


Lisa would like to do an internship during her senior year of college.  She is a Marketing Major but not sure if she wants to get into advertising or market research.  She works mornings three days a week at a law firm to help pay for school, and takes classes during the day when she is not working. Her internship advisor insists that they do not allow paid internships; she must work for free in order to qualify for class credit.  Lisa is not sure what to do.  Her advisor is sending her on two interviews, one at a television station in the advertising department, and the other for a manufacturing company in their market research department.

  • Is there any way Lisa can pursue both internship opportunities?  
  • How can she rearrange her work at the law firm and class schedule to allow for an internship?
  • What are the benefits of working as a free intern?

Comments (3)

k5onehundred posted on: September 1, 2013

Market research department might be better. They all say the same thing in office internships. The best might be the research company. http://www.researchpaperstobuy.com/

Ryan Woods posted on: May 3, 2012

The Rochester Institute of Technology required that you would take a co-op. They were usually paid around 17 dollars and hour depending on your major. I don''t know anyone who took part in a co-op/internship for free. It looks like GTDL187 is on to something. Most of the people I know who were Mechanical Engineering Students either made copies or worked in Autocad or a similar program.

GTDL187 posted on: April 15, 2012

When I attended college I was not allowed to accept any money for my internship. I had to rearrange my schedule by changing all of my classes to evenings and moving my part-time job schedule to a few mornings during the week. The remainder of the week I was able to work at an internship. The company I was interested in already had a paid intern from another university, but I was able to convince them to give me an internship for free. They had nothing to lose, and I had everything to gain. It worked out great. The paid intern was stuck making photocopies and faxing while I was attending executive meetings, putting proposals together and meeting with customers. I highly recommend going down this path. It provided real experiences, great contacts, and ultimately lead to a series of job opportunities that launched a very successful career.

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