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What is the value of an MBA?

Posted in College Student / Recent Graduate on July 30, 2012
There are (4) comments permalink


Do you think you should get promoted once you complete your MBA?  What about people that get their MBA right after their undergraduate degree and before their first job…does an MBA make them qualified for a management job?   What do you think employers look for when hiring or promoting candidates?

Comments (4)

Lisa Woods posted on: January 9, 2013

I agree jjarreau539. It used to be that you needed to have at least 5 years of work experience before you could even enter into an MBA program. Now you can get your MBA in one year before even entering the workforce. Is it even worth it based on your comments that it could disqualify you from an opportunity? Is waiting to get your MBA a better way to go for recent graduates?

jjarreau539 posted on: December 17, 2012

I am a strong believer in education. However, an MBA does not give a person the hands on experience in handling situations that arise in the real world. My opinion is that employers are looking for experience in managing people and education as an addition to the experience. In this economy, an MBA may disqualify some candidates from optaining a job. Employers may see them as being over qualified and will not hang around due to the pay. A strong busines degree along with 5 7 years of experience is what employers are looking for.

Lisa Woods posted on: August 9, 2012

@ ashishkapil - that is a great point., thanks for your comment. Empathy leads to understanding the reality of making things happen.

ashishkapil@yahoo.com posted on: August 6, 2012

Doing MBA before joining a job/ Business and doing MBA after being in Job / Business marks a great difference. As first is doing Maters degree in Isolation of the Business Process or being in Apathy of Business process & second is doing it within the Business process or being in empathetic position.

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