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Navigating Office Politics to Ensure Project Success

Posted in Project Management on October 15, 2012
There are (2) comments permalink


{#/pub/images/NavigateOfficePolitics.jpg}Project Managers are often the middle men of the company, trying to get things done while rallying all cross-functional delegations to work together to meet the desired timeline.  Often there is not buying because of competing interests, but it is the Project Manager's role to keep an open mind and keep moving forward.  In Ron Montgomery's article 'Political Advice for Project Managers: Navigating Office Politics', he sites four tips to help with this rather unpleasant aspect of the job.

Please share your own experiences as a Project Manager battling politics in your organization.

What political roadblocks have you encountered in your job? 

How did you mitigate the challenges to succeed at your goal?

Comments (2)

mahachen posted on: April 20, 2020

The function of project manager is not so simple, I had difficulties that I hardly overcame.
Currently, I want to deepen my knowledge and I am thinking of taking a PMP training in this training center.

Ron Montgomery posted on: October 16, 2012

The most common political problems I have encountered were the result of overlooking an impacted stakeholder. Typically, this stakeholder did not appear at a high level in an organization chart. Instead, these overlooked stakeholders were influential subject matter experts who carried a good deal of clout in the organization. They had much to contribute to the project and wanted to be involved. Lesson learned - find out who these stakeholders are and seek out their opinions during during the planning processes.

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