September 13, 2012
Communication Essentials For Executives and General Managers
Are you an Effective Communicator (Leader)?
Leading others is a great responsibility because your entire organization is waiting to hear what you have to say so they can act in accordance with your direction. Success or failure is based on two basic criteria: The viability of your strategy, and your ability to communicate effectively. Effective Communication means your message must resonate, must be understood, must be continuous, and must fully disseminate through all levels of the organization in order for everyone to take part and...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on September 13, 2012
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September 9, 2012
Six OTHER Traits To Succeed In Sales
What Traits do you think of when describing a good sales person?
What Traits do you think of when describing a good sales person? Typically they are personality traits: outgoing, thoughtful, positive, responsive, knowledgeable, etc.… Although personality traits are very important, there are six OTHER traits you or your employees should focus on to succeed in sales.
1) Take it personally!
When you take things personally, you hold yourself accountable. By holding yourself accountable you:
become the go-to person
become the...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Sales & Business Development on September 9, 2012
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September 5, 2012
Workplace Bureaucracy – Learn to Break Through the Red Tape!
What does your company value most, your employees or your processes?
Workplace Bureaucracy can leave your company stagnant & demotivated. As a leader, a manager and an individual contributor, you should be looking to create a balance between creativity and consistency. Each one of us has the responsibility to improve our work environment.
Procedures, systems, controls, processes….we all complain about them or hear complaining from others, but they serve a purpose. Structure is good; it keeps our business consistent, helps us track our...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Operations on September 5, 2012
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August 21, 2012
Eight Entrepreneurial Pointers For Any Job
What can you learn from entrepreneurs to help you succeed in your current job?
Following the success habits of entrepreneurs is a good basis for anyone’s success in business. The reason is that these individuals develop success from nothing. They engage in activities and exhibit certain qualities that build success. Anyone, no matter where you work, or what you do, can benefit from these lessons.
Here Are Eight Entrepreneurial Pointers For Any Job.
1) Tenacity
Having the determination to do what you believe in, and get done what needs...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on August 21, 2012
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August 19, 2012
Four Not So Obvious Reasons People Get Fired Or Rejected For Promotions
Are you at risk of losing your job or being passed over for promotion?
Besides all the obvious reasons such as theft, lying, not showing up for work and poor performance, there are other underlying reasons why people are let go when there is a downsizing or restructuring. They are the same reasons they are passed up on promotions and opportunities to advance their careers. Take a look through them and ask yourself if you are at risk.
Here Are Four Not So Obvious Reasons People Get Fired Or Passed Over For Promotions.
They Are Not Good...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Human Resources on August 19, 2012
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August 16, 2012
Work Efficiency Equation For Managers And High Performers
How do you measure your own work efficiency?
When referring to a person’s efficiency, measuring work output/work input is not enough. Instead, there are six variables that determine a person’s work efficiency:
Speed + Accuracy + Foresight + Repeatability + Agility + Respect = An Efficient Employee or Manager
If you focus on these six variables, continuously strive as an individual to improve them and teach your employees to develop their own efficiency skills, you will create a high performance environment...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on August 16, 2012
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August 15, 2012
How to use your MBA to get promoted.
Does getting your MBA make you worthy of a promotion?
Like most things in life, actions tend to speak louder than words. So is the action you take to complete your MBA worthy of a promotion? Or are those three little letters you worked so hard to obtain just words you have on your resume? It is up to you to take action in your career. Earning your MBA, or any other degree, is the first step, but the real test is what you do with your new knowledge after you add it to your resume.
A Masters in Business Administration trains you...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in New Employee, Promotion on August 15, 2012
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August 13, 2012
THREE Reasons People Regret Taking a Job & FIVE Actions You Can Take to Fix It
Do you regret taking your new job? Does your new employee?
You were so excited for this new opportunity, happy to move on from your last job, and ready start the new one. Soon after taking the new job, you realized the grass is not greener, nor is the job what you thought it would be. Do you leave, live with your new reality, or try to change it? What would you do if you were on the other end of this dilemma…the person who did the hiring? Making the effort to understand your new employee after the interview can ensure your...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Career Change, Job Search on August 13, 2012
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August 6, 2012
Communication Guidelines for New Graduates and Their Employers
What can you & your manager do to start things off right?
…You are fresh out of college; you made it through the interview process and got your first break into the workforce. You want to do great things and believe you have a lot to offer.
…As an employer you have given this recent graduate their first break, an opportunity to get started in their career, to learn, and grow.
What can you both do to start things off right? What are some things to consider when getting familiar with one another?
Generational gaps...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in New Employee, Promotion on August 6, 2012
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August 2, 2012
Ten Tips to Get Good at Communicating Bad News
Do you avoid communicating bad news?
As managers, and leaders, we anticipate challenges, take on responsibility and drive results. Our ability to communicate well gives us an advantage when motivating, providing direction and giving feedback, however, no matter how good you are at communicating, nobody likes to communicate bad news. We all dread reporting poor results, pointing out mistakes and letting employees go…. but, it is an important part of the job; better to do it well than to avoid doing it at all.
Here...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Communication Skills on August 2, 2012
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