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Recruiting Well-Rounded Candidates

Posted in Human Resources on October 11, 2012
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{#/pub/images/RecruitingWellRoundedCandidates.jpg}What evaluation techniques do you use to identify the best candidates?  In her recent article 'Recruiting Well-Rounded Candidates' Gina Fedeli discusses multiple evaluation processes used for recruiting.  One of them is the Behavioral DISC assessment.


What processes do you use to qualify candidates? What value do you put on a DISC assessment?

Comments (1)

Mark Herbert posted on: February 19, 2013

I use a pretty standard process for recruitment. First you start with an overall organizational profile that defines your "brand" or identity. Then you determine the attributes and skills necessary for a given position and a given team.
My experience is that you hire and manage "whole people". Someone can have great technical skills, but not be a good fit for the team. We often build teams as well that replicate the same strengths and development needs, not enough diversity or complementary skill sets.
I think using assessments whether DISC or others is valuable. The caution is use them appropriately and don''t rely on any one part of a process unilaterally. A good selection process combines comprehensively scoping the position, assessing candidates for "fit" using metrics and interviews, and a good onboarding process.
Hire Hard- Manage Easy!

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When recruiting, how well does your company attract high quality candidates?