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    January 19, 2014

    Hey, Hot Head, Don't Say It!

    5 Steps to Better Emotional Intelligence

    You know you want to.  In fact you're dying to pop off some expletives that would make Mom turn ten shades of red.  Whether you receive news about a coming reorganization, unrealistic client deadline or one of your peers being absent AGAIN, you've been triggered. Whatever you're thinking at this exact moment, don't say it.  And, please, please, please don't e-mail it or text it either. Easy up on that trigger finger, pard’ner.      The news you received is out of your...Continue reading

    By Sherri PetroPosted in Communication Skills on January 19, 2014

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    January 17, 2014

    Marketing in the ‘New Normal’: Inspiration from fairy tales & fables

    5 Marketing Analogies That Can Improve Your Business

    It’s no longer round the corner. It’s here.     We are wading through it… neck deep… feeling for pointers, directions and clues to help us move in the right direction.   Marketing in the ‘new normal’ has surely got us all worked up. And there are no signs of the challenges letting up.   What do we do?   Regress, I suggest, into childhood. Into the land of fairytales and fables.   No, seriously! Marketing analogies can be found...Continue reading

    By Karthik NagendraPosted in Marketing & Innovation on January 17, 2014

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    January 14, 2014

    7 Mini Conversations to Have with Your Team

    Important discussion topics for effective managers.

    I am rarely shocked anymore when a client tells me they aren’t clear on the key deliverables of his or her job. Or that they don’t have regular conversations with their manager. Or that the relationship is difficult.    As a manager you must be able to deliver results by working with and through other people. So part of becoming a great manager, is developing good relationships with your employees. Relationships are how work gets done in today’s workplace.    One...Continue reading

    By Lea McLeodPosted in Management on January 14, 2014

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    January 12, 2014

    Crafting Your Own Personal Leadership Philosophy

    What It Takes To Be Credible As A Leader

    “Stand upright, speak thy thoughts, declare The truth thou hast, that all may share. Be bold. Proclaim it everywhere. They only live who dare.”  - Voltaire   To be effective and inspiring as a leader, you must do what Voltaire describes in this quatrain.  Developing a Personal Leadership Philosophy (PLP) will empower you to declare YOUR truth and stand tall within it, to operate from a position of strength that ennobles you.    It is a common practice in all...Continue reading

    By Deb CalvertPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on January 12, 2014

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    January 9, 2014

    Agile Organizations: 4 Communication Tips For Decentralized Teams

    Making Agile Teams Work in Different Buildings, Time-Zones & Countries

    One on one communication is a cornerstone of agility.  The Agile Manifesto devotes one of its four values and two of its twelve principles to this type of communication by stating the following: Value: “We have come to value individuals and interactions over processes and tools.”   Principles Supporting That Value: “Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.” “The most efficient and effective method of...Continue reading

    By Ron MontgomeryPosted in Project & Process Management on January 9, 2014

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    January 5, 2014

    Talk to Me In Pictures

    Learn to Connect with Younger Bosses, Employees & Customers

    Quick. Think fast. What’s your first thought when I say “workplace communication?”    Did you think of written communication like texts, emails, memos, policies or reports?  Did you think of verbal communication like phone calls, meetings, one-on-ones or the grape vine?  Perhaps workplace miscommunication -- a conflict, a rant or your boss’ nonverbals during your last interaction – popped into your mind.      I’d wager that if I ask...Continue reading

    By Sherri PetroPosted in Communication Skills on January 5, 2014

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    January 2, 2014

    3 Ways that Conflict in a Relationship is like a Pile of Tangled Holiday Lights

    Resolving Conflict: 3 options to decide on the right course of action.

    Sitting on the floor in a pool of winter sunshine, I contemplated the similarities between the pile of tangled holiday lights before me, and the conflict that arises in our most important relationships. Read on to learn 3 ways that a pile of tangled holiday lights taught me important lessons about how to handle conflict with people I love…   Yesterday morning, I had the unenviable task of taking down the holiday décor and storing it away for the year. Normally, I would simply shove...Continue reading

    By Claire LaughlinPosted in Communication Skills on January 2, 2014

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    December 29, 2013

    55 Resolutions That Can Positively Impact Your Career & Business

    What will you do differently in 2014?

    As 2013 comes to an end and 2014 begins, it is a great time to consider some resolutions that open opportunities for career growth and professional success.  We started this list last year and have added some new opportunities to consider. Here are 55 ideas to spark an impactful action plan to improve your career and business.  What is it that you want to improve?  Are you doing what is necessary to get where you want to go in your career?  Now is the time…here is our take on...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on December 29, 2013

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    December 26, 2013

    Forever destined to be a Senior Manager: Why you won’t get promoted to VP

    18 Unspoken Rules You Need to Follow to Get (& Keep) your next promotion.

    You’ve worked hard to be a strong contender for the promotion to fill the position as the newest Director or VP in your company.   You’ve listened to upper management who has given you what seems to be good, well-meaning advice.  You may have also read the employee manual that defines all twenty seven leadership competencies identified by HR and expert consultants specifically to be considered to fill the leadership role.  You likely have the company’s mission and vision...Continue reading

    By Christina HaxtonPosted in Management on December 26, 2013

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    December 19, 2013

    4 Job Search Starter Strategies for The New Year

    What action are YOU going to commit to taking as you start the new year?

    So often I get a call from prospective job search clients. They usually tell me that they are applying to jobs but not hearing anything back. To me, that’s a sign that they probably don’t have a good job search strategy in place.   If you look at the numbers, you’ll know why. According to research by InterviewSuccessFormula.com, there were 3.6 million job openings at the end of 2012. But only about 20% of those available jobs were actually posted somewhere.    So if...Continue reading

    By Lea McLeodPosted in College Student/Recent Grad Job Search on December 19, 2013

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