May 9, 2017
Effective Management Is A Choice
What Type of Manager Do You Choose to Be?
When studying management or leadership, you’ll probably learn about Six Management Styles, when to use them, when not to use them. You may even participate in a DISC personality assessment to determine where your natural management temperament falls and how well you are able to adapt your temperament to challenging workplace situations. Both are very useful management assessment tools. They help to understand your potential, uncover strengths to develop, as well as weaknesses to overcome throughout...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Management on May 9, 2017
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April 11, 2017
How To Quit Your Job
Five Steps You Can Take
You have been waiting for that promotion, trying so hard to get noticed and recognized for your contributions. Your boss tries just as hard to make that happen for you, but tells you that it’s going to take a little longer…again. Your eyes stray to job sites, just to see what’s out there. You update that old dusty CV and go out on a couple of interviews, and then, there it is…an offer.
What is this strange document outlining what another company wants to offer you for...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on April 11, 2017
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March 14, 2017
Small Business Planning: What to Consider before You Invest
15 Business Plan Components
Whether you are ready to step out on your own and start a business for the first time, or you want to reorganize your small business for growth - a sound business plan is the foundation for making your dream a successful reality.
That’s a big deal right? So why is it that so many business owners function without this foundation? And if they do have a plan, often it’s just seen as a simple tool used to seek investment or communicate the company’s direction to others. Of course...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Small Business on March 14, 2017
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December 15, 2016
Action Item List
How To Drive Your Team With One Simple Tool
Do your team or project meetings sound something like this… “Oh, was I supposed to do that? I thought someone else had that responsibility. Was that due already?” When you ask someone for an update on a task that was issued to him or her during the group’s previous meeting, how do you respond to excuses? It is frustrating for you and for those who are getting their tasks done. So how can you ensure your team does not find itself behind schedule or...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on December 15, 2016
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October 20, 2016
Cross Functional Skills Benefit Employees & The Bottom Line
Valuable skills that trump personality.
Sometimes we enjoy working with others, sometimes…not so much. It’s human nature to rely on a personal exchange in order to get along with people & work cohesively. Simply put however, personal exchanges are not enough to elevate an individual’s career, nor bring substantial value to the bottom line. Here’s why: Business actions, simple or complex, can become personality struggles when a professional connection does not exist. Those personal exchanges we rely on...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on October 20, 2016
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October 6, 2015
Crafting a Successful Business Strategy vs. Committing to One
Leader Engagement – 4 Steps to Ensure Your Commitment to Lead Change
Whether you are leading a corporation or building your small business, crafting a successful business strategy is bound to be one of your key objectives. But when executives are asked if their strategies will be successful, the results are impressive...in an unimpressive way. According to a 2011 Booz & Company Executive Survey, 53% of executives do not believe their company’s strategy will lead to success, 63% say they have too many conflicting priorities and 54% say their company’s way of...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on October 6, 2015
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June 17, 2015
It’s OK to Close the Door
Let everyone know what your closed door means.
With all the push for open communication, and an inviting environment in the workplace, there is a lot of pressure for the first time leader to always be available. I want to let you in on a secret that is not shared very often nowadays…It’s OK to close the door. There is a lot of work for you to get done in the leadership role, even though you are managing those who are doing the work.
Some of my clients get themselves so overwhelmed and overworked because they never get...Continue reading
By Emilie ShoopPosted in Management on June 17, 2015
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March 25, 2015
Are you getting the most out of your leadership?
Now is the time for your leadership to step up and help you.
When you are a manager or a leader for the first time, there is so much emphasis put on how you will lead your team. What are you doing to engage and empower your employees? How are you managing your budget? Is the work getting done? How do you manage your time? How do you plan for vacation and sick leave?
Those are all very important as you ramp up and continue your journey as a leader. However, I have a different question for you today.
Are you...Continue reading
By Emilie ShoopPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on March 25, 2015
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March 10, 2015
Emotional Intelligence as a New Leader
4 Ways to Boost Your Emotional Intelligence
Many studies have been performed showing us that your EQ (Emotional Quotient) is a better predictor for your success in business and life than your IQ. What we have also found over the years is that you can work to grow your EQ over time. Your Emotional Intelligence as a new leader gets tested almost immediately. Continuing to work on improving not only your Emotional Intelligence, but the EI of your team will greatly improve the results of your team.
One client of mine had begun...Continue reading
By Emilie ShoopPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on March 10, 2015
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February 27, 2015
3 Easy Steps to Create a Communication Plan
How much is the right amount of communication?
When we move into leadership roles or as teams change, the biggest struggle is often figuring out how to communicate with each other. We all know that we should communicate more. We all know how important communication is to have a successful team. Yet, somehow good communication seems to elude even the most seasoned leaders.
As a new leader, you will definitely succeed faster the sooner you have communication flowing on your new team. Through working with clients and in my...Continue reading
By Emilie ShoopPosted in Management on February 27, 2015
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