July 2, 2014
First Line Managers Set the Tone for Team Culture
Don't Make This Silly Mistake With Your Culture
First time supervisors or managers are at the mercy of the organization as a whole when it comes to creating a great team culture to work in.
The biggest, silliest mistake I see new leaders making is:
Thinking they have nothing to do with the culture
That they can’t make a difference
That their job is to just keep doing things the way they have always been done.
From large studies like Gallup Polls, to many smaller surveys through job...Continue reading
By Emilie ShoopPosted in Management on July 2, 2014
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July 1, 2014
How Can a Leader Avoid Accidental Indignities?
Here are some starter questions to consider in your self-assessment:
Dignity means worthy of honor and respect, having merit. It stems from the Latin dignitas meaning “equivalent to.” Dignifying others means to confer honor or dignity or to ennoble them. It means showing respect for another’s worth and acknowledging each person as equivalent to every other person.
As leaders, we’d all agree that it’s important to dignify others.
But what others? And why? In what ways? And just what does it mean to dignify...Continue reading
By Deb CalvertPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on July 1, 2014
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June 25, 2014
How to Become an Authentic Leader
Here are five steps to help you on that journey.
Authentic leadership. What is it and why should you care? Authentic leadership is relevant and even more important and necessary today in a world where we observe many leaders proven to be untrustworthy. Consider some of the many examples where you have felt let down by a leader you know or have grown to know through the media.
Authenticity is where our external actions align with internal beliefs. It’s the alignment of who you are and who you appear to be. Are you the same...Continue reading
By Jayne JenkinsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on June 25, 2014
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June 16, 2014
Managing Conflict: Six Things NOT to Do
Are you fixing problems on your team or elevating them?
Many new mangers struggle with how to deal with a conflict on their team. Many, many seasoned managers struggle even more with how to deal with a conflict. How you deal with conflicts on your team sets the tone for innovation, progress, and success on your team.
To succeed in helping your team resolve conflicts, there are several things you should always do, but perhaps more importantly, there are also things you should avoid. Here are six ways you could be making a conflict worse, and a...Continue reading
By Emilie ShoopPosted in Management on June 16, 2014
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June 12, 2014
Lost in Translation, Again!
3 Things You Can Do to Get Your Message Understood
Lost in Translation? A great phrase. It means that words, once translated, can lose the original intent of their meaning. Or for those who loved the movie, it is the name of the insightful and curiosity-piquing film by Sofia Coppola released over a decade ago. Either way, people, we have something to talk about. We’re missing something in our communication.
In the movie, Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson play mismatched souls who keep running into each other...Continue reading
By Sherri PetroPosted in Communication Skills on June 12, 2014
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June 10, 2014
The Great Divide Between You & Your Customers
Take a look at your sales process & find where it gets stalled.
In sales, we are experiencing an embarrassment of riches and yet we are impoverished.
Just look around the offices of most sales organizations. You'll see computers, telephones with headsets and auto-dialers, mobile devices, CRM systems, and numerous apps and software programs that support selling activities in every conceivable way.
Needing to beef up a particular skill? Well, take your pick of the myriad of training programs, seminars, books, podcasts and other resources that are easily...Continue reading
By Deb CalvertPosted in Sales & Business Development on June 10, 2014
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June 6, 2014
Why is Talent Management Important in 2014? Part 2
Creating Vitality to Compete in the Global Market
In my last blog, I captured why giving attention to talent builds sustainable profits. That article strongly suggested that creating a healthy organization is foundational to growing and becoming a stronger competitor in the global market. Over the last few years, global conditions have changed the Talent Market forever, and the need for Talent Management has also changed from a nice-to-have to a must-have. Click here to read more about it. (Why is Talent Management Important in 2014? Part 1) Or,...Continue reading
By Miki Jo RestoPosted in Human Resources on June 6, 2014
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May 28, 2014
Transitioning Your Skills as a Leader
Executive Interview with Alan Weinstein-Entrepreneur & Executive Coach
Recently I had the pleasure of speaking with Alan Weinstein, a successful business owner and expert in the field of Executive Coaching. Alan discusses the biggest challenges CEOs face as they transition their skills & organizations for growth, as well as his own entrepreneurial journey as co-founder of LaserTron. Serving as a Vistage Chairman for more than 20 years, he explains why CEOs and Senior Managers seek out coaching, what they should look for & what they should expect from the process. This...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on May 28, 2014
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May 22, 2014
Developing Procurement & Sales Partnerships- Does it really work?
How to start the conversation and measure success.
It’s possible that you are scratching your head after reading the title of this article, especially if you work in the Sales or Procurement function in your company. Typically, Sales and Procurement teams do not work closely together, or they don’t work together at all, for their focus is on opposite ends of the supply chain. Moreover, both functions have higher priorities than exploring ways to improve overall supply chain performance. Sales teams focus on the top line; Procurement...Continue reading
By Julie BrignacPosted in Purchasing & Supply Chain on May 22, 2014
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May 13, 2014
Leading Through Change: Persistence and change agents are vital!
Find those trusted agents who can help you.
No doubt at some point in your career you have heard, "We tried that, and it didn't work." or "We don't need to make any changes." Change is not easy, in fact, most will resist change. We get comfortable with the way we do business and change is just that, change. Change can be difficult.
When I became the head of the Department of Physical Education at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1997, gymnastics was one of the required courses for all plebes (freshmen). The...Continue reading
By Karen KuhlaPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on May 13, 2014
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