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How do you develop your management skills?

Posted in Middle Manager on October 14, 2012
There are (1) comments permalink


{#/pub/images/20120229152159_middlemanager.jpg}Being a Middle Manager is a very important job and one that is often neglected when it comes to management development programs.  In our latest article we tackle 'Success Tips for Middle Managers'. These are Management and Communication techniques that can help you build your own career, the productivity of your team, and drive overall company success by leading the charge.



  • What do you do to ensure your actions as a Middle Manager are in-line with the company's goals? 


  • How do you communicate your department's actions and successes throughout your organization to gain cross functional buy-in and support for your team?

Comments (1)

Shadi posted on: February 16, 2013


First I will read the HSE policy of my company, then the process will be developed derived from this little concept , also it is company role to develop a type of standard training for each employment level so every thing will be prepared in advance,
Then for getting the expected success we must first diagnose Before we Prescribe.


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