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Articles by Julie Brignac

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    Contracting and Change – How They Can Happen Together

    Six Critical Elements To Transform The Contracting Function

    The phrase ‘change management’ has almost become a cliché in the business world.  Many companies and consultants claim to be experts in the subject, but indeed, it's doubtful that any have become masters. Yet why would this be the case?  Because every company, culture, function and situation can be different, and there is not one common recipe for change management that applies to all.  Thus, when thinking about driving change in the contracting arena, it can be even more...Continue reading

    By Julie BrignacPosted in Purchasing & Supply Chain on November 26, 2013

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    Julie Brignac

    Principal, Vantage Partners

    Julie Brignac Principal Vantage Partners   Biography   Julie Brignac is a Principal at Vantage Partners, and a member of the firm’s sourcing and supply chain management practice.  She has worked as a transformational leader in globally matrixed organizations, with over 20 years of strategic and operational experience in supply chain management, international outsourcing, sales and operational planning, procurement transformations and business process improvement...Continue reading

    By Julie BrignacPosted in Purchasing & Supply Chain on July 25, 2013

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    Best In Class Sourcing: 5 Actions That Put Your Money to Work

    What Happened to Strategic Profit Building?

    In today’s economic environment companies must take control of how their money is being put to work.  Although many believe they are already doing this by slicing headcount, restricting or eliminating bonuses and cutting operational costs, these short term cost cutting initiatives are just that, short term.  They generate profits but often lead to damage over the medium and long term because they lack the strategic focus needed to generate real revenue growth.   The Pros & Cons...Continue reading

    By Julie BrignacPosted in Purchasing & Supply Chain on May 3, 2013

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    Developing Procurement & Sales Partnerships- Does it really work?

    How to start the conversation and measure success.

    It’s possible that you are scratching your head after reading the title of this article, especially if you work in the Sales or Procurement function in your company.  Typically, Sales and Procurement teams do not work closely together, or they don’t work together at all, for their focus is on opposite ends of the supply chain.  Moreover, both functions have higher priorities than exploring ways to improve overall supply chain performance. Sales teams focus on the top line; Procurement...Continue reading

    By Julie BrignacPosted in Purchasing & Supply Chain on May 22, 2014

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    The Secret to Change Management

    5 Critical Elements to Successful Change Management Programs

    The phrase ‘Change Management’ has almost become a cliché in the corporate world.  Many companies and consultants claim to be experts on the subject, but indeed, it's doubtful that any have become masters. Why would this be the case?  Because every company, culture, environment and situation is different, there is not just one common recipe for Change Management that applies to all.   So what can you do to implement a Change Management strategy that works for your...Continue reading

    By Julie BrignacPosted in Project & Process Management on February 4, 2013

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    Choosing The Best Negotiation Tactics

    3 Tactics to make your supply negotiations more strategic.

    As we all know, negotiations happen everyday in our professional and personal lives.  Whether we are negotiating a large multi-million dollar contract with a vendor, buying a new car, or simply negotiating with your 9-year old on which vegetables they will eat for dinner, the fact is that negotiation is a routine part of all of our lives.  But for those of us in a supply chain management career, choosing the best negotiation tactics in order to yield the best result can be difficult to spot...Continue reading

    By Julie BrignacPosted in Purchasing & Supply Chain on September 10, 2013

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    Back to Sourcing Fundamentals: Re-Organizing the Purchasing Function

    3 Common Misconceptions for Your Organization to Avoid

    Successful sourcing of goods and services is a continuous improvement process that can provide a competitive advantage for any organization.  It ensures shorter cycle times through the use of master supply agreements, increases the supplier base to reduce supply risk, and improves costs due to market price competition.  Although a consistent sourcing system sounds like it should be fundamental to any business, over the past several years disorganization of the purchasing function has prevented...Continue reading

    By Julie BrignacPosted in Purchasing & Supply Chain on June 25, 2013

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