Understand The Role You Play In Leadership
Do you always know which decision is the right decision?
A True Leader Knows There Is No Right Answer….and finds strength in that.
There are many traits that define leadership, but one that stands out is the ability to know there is no right way of doing something. When at a crossroads with a choice of going straight, left, right, staying put or turning around…how do you make that decision? Do you see all of your options? Do you get overwhelmed? Is one choice better than the other? Is one right and are the others...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on June 21, 2012
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Six Things Marketing Should Be Doing to Ensure a Positive ROI
Are your marketing dollars being wasted?
There is often a stigma around how marketing dollars are spent. Business leaders don’t always fully understand marketing programs or how all the elements tie together. Other department heads get frustrated when, in their opinion, investment ‘Needs’ are turned down, but Marketing still gets funding for ‘Wants’. Finally, Marketing Professionals rarely feel they have enough funding for the results everyone expects their programs to achieve. So what can be done...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Marketing & Innovation on October 1, 2012
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EGO Tips
Is YOUR EGO helping or hurting good decision-making?
We all have egos, even those of us that swear we don’t (those people are probably the worst offenders). So, is ego good for you or does it get in your way of good decision making? Here are some EGO tips to help you succeed:
If you define your ego as confidence, then it’s probably a good thing, right? You need to have confidence to make decisions in the first place, ergo the ego benefit. But can you have too much confidence? If you think you already know...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Communication Skills on May 4, 2012
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Success Tips For Middle Managers
How can Middle Managers develop their skills?
Your organization counts on you to get things done. So how do you ensure your influence, as a Middle Manager, is enough to lead the charge? Are you doing the right things? Here are six important tips to create an environment that sets you, your staff, and your company up for success.
Gain the respect of your employees by knowing how to do their jobs well.
Managing an employee is not only about delegating, but guiding, supporting and helping them to get better at their...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Management on October 14, 2012
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Communication Tips For the Workplace
Are you a good communicator?
At work, at home, in social settings, with friends or colleagues, your ability to communicate defines who you are to those around you. Are you shy, outgoing, a trivia fanatic, a news junkie, a sports enthusiast, the guy who loves to hear the sound of his own voice, or the gal that never seems to get to the point? We all have people in our lives that we can put into these buckets. And we all think we know which bucket people would put us into. But how do you know for sure? Are...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Communication Skills on May 3, 2012
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Ten Tips to Get Good at Communicating Bad News
Do you avoid communicating bad news?
As managers, and leaders, we anticipate challenges, take on responsibility and drive results. Our ability to communicate well gives us an advantage when motivating, providing direction and giving feedback, however, no matter how good you are at communicating, nobody likes to communicate bad news. We all dread reporting poor results, pointing out mistakes and letting employees go…. but, it is an important part of the job; better to do it well than to avoid doing it at all.
Here...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Communication Skills on August 2, 2012
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6 Tips to Jumpstart Your Career Before Graduation
Do you know how to land a job in today’s economy?
Are you a college student, recent graduate or know someone who is about to enter the workforce for the first time? Today’s economy requires a head start in order to land a decent job. Here are 6 tips to jumpstart your career before graduation.
Intern, Intern, Intern
Figure out a way to work in your field of study before you graduate so you can build your resume with real experience. Sometimes it leads to a job after you graduate, other times it leads to a more credible...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Career Change, Job Search on January 9, 2013
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How to Achieve Audience Buy-In: Sell It!
Spend less time discussing the how to, & more time celebrating the what if!
Have you ever tried to pitch an idea? In public speaking we are often times trying to sell something, sell change, sell innovation...
Noteworthy speakers are able to engage the audience, inspire, and have a successful call to action. The challenge is how? When you're proposing a new model or process you don’t want to spend time outlining the steps that will be taken in your new world; for that you could put together a job aide or process map, hand it out, and take a seat. You're giving...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on March 10, 2014
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How To Budget And Forecast
Business Plans, Budgets & Forecasts: A How To Guide For Your Organization
Is your head spinning from all the stress & time spent on business plans, forecasts and budgets? Remember, planning is not a science…it’s an exercise…that should refresh you, keep you agile, and make you feel in control of your destiny! Is that how you feel? As we enter into this year’s budget and forecast season, try to challenge yourself and your team to become more efficient and to create better standards for planning and budgeting. In turn, you will...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on December 28, 2012
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How To Develop An Emotionally Intelligent Organization
The Power of Giving Your Organization a Voice
Over the last few months I’ve spent a lot of time talking with executives about emotional intelligence and the impact it has on results. One individual whom I would deem as highly emotionally intelligent expressed disappointment in his own executive peer group. During their recent strategy session the dialog was focused on results, structural reasons for results, external market reasons for results, any reason for results that did not require an understanding or accountability for what is...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on March 14, 2021
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