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Articles by Lisa Woods

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    Ten ways to ensure innovation is driving your company’s future.

    Is your company innovative? Are you doing your part?

    Is your company innovative?  Are you doing your part? Does your company have an R&D group that appears very busy to everyone, spends millions of dollars, and never seems to roll out any success stories?   Do you wonder how other companies manage to stay one step ahead of yours in the marketplace? Do you have a “follow the market leader” strategy since you don’t have the finances to invest in your own innovation?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, then...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Marketing & Innovation on May 7, 2012

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    Four Ways to Transition Business Development into Sales Revenue

    At what point should sales support business development efforts?

    Sales and Business Development are often interchangeable words for many companies due to lack of resources, or past routines.  If you are one of those companies, you are probably missing out on growth opportunities.  There are distinct differences between Sales & Business Development that require different talent profiles, organizational structures and strategic initiatives.  Look at your own sales and business development organization; are you set up for growth?   Here are Four...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Sales & Business Development on May 9, 2012

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    Dealing With Difficult Personalities

    How to IDENTIFY them, how to WORK with them & how to MANAGE them.

    With the need to mobilize teams, improve work efficiencies and generate positive results, having productive relationships with your boss, your co-workers & your employees is essential to your success.   This ManagingAmericans On-Demand Webinar examines 11 difficult personalities types: how to identify them, work with them and manage them when they are your employees.  We will discus how to improve your own work culture and build a productive work environment for your team.  This...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on July 23, 2013

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    Dealing with difficult personalities at work.

    Learn to work with difficult personalities so they do not interfere with your job.

    Learn to work with difficult personalities so they do not interfere with your job.   You will encounter many personalities in your career.  Some of them are annoying, many inspirational.  What I want to address here are the difficult personalities that can stand in your way of accomplishing great things.  By understanding how to manage your way forward as you encounter them, you will grow professionally and possibly become an inspirational personality for them to learn...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Communication Skills on July 4, 2012

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    Working With Other Cultures

    How do you mitigate differences in your multicultural work environment?

    Our business world has become more and more global over the years and will continue to do so.  There is a difference, however, between doing business with other cultures and working in a multicultural environment.  When you do business with another culture there tends to be more respect shown to each party, a greater tendency to appreciate differences, and greater attempts made to understand one another’s needs and solutions.  Maybe it is because both parties are trying to find common...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in International Management on July 10, 2012

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    Dealing With Workplace Bullies: Seven Actions to Protect Yourself AND Others

    What can you do to protect yourself, and others, from being bullied at work?

    We all deal with different, and sometimes difficult, personalities at work.  But what do you do if the personality is a bully?  If you have ever encountered someone who berates you, deliberately excludes you from information, sets you up for failure, mocks you, points out your flaws in public, creates rumors about you at work, or any other deliberate act of negativity toward you…know you are not alone.  Unfortunately, most of us will face at least one workplace bully directed toward...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Communication Skills on July 31, 2012

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    Managing Workplace Personalities: The Politician Without A Plan

    How to work with and manage difficult people.

    We don’t always get to choose the people we work with, nor whom we work for, but if you want to succeed, your relationships with everyone in your work environment must be cultivated, especially as a Manager. Managers need to maximize the potential of their team. If you leave people out because of personality clashes, everyone suffers, especially your results. One of the most annoying and common personalities to prepare for is the politician without a plan. Below are some tactics you can use to...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Management on April 4, 2014

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    Only you can answer the question: “How do I get promoted?”

    Is Professional Development a Skill or an Art Form?

    Have you ever gone to your boss, or to HR and asked them, “How do I get promoted?” or “How can I get a job in a different field?”  Did you get the answer you wanted to hear?  We have all heard it…continue to work hard; when an opportunity comes up we will consider you along with others…or something along those lines.  Maybe you have a professional development program at work that supports training for the next steps in your career?  No matter what...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on May 10, 2012

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    Get your budgets and capital expenditures approved.

    Learn how to work with your finance team to make better decisions for your own department.

    Breaking Down Departmental Silos: Finance   In Business spending money is just as important as making money.  Do you do a good job justifying how money should be spent for your department?  If you work in Finance, do you integrate your actions throughout your organization by helping managers streamline spending requests?...Would other managers agree with your answer?  Ask yourself how Finance and the rest of your organization can work better together to make more educated financial...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Management on July 16, 2012

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    What’s Your Leadership Philosophy? Inspiration From Margaret Thatcher

    Are you limited by your past or driven by what you & your business can become?

    Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher passed away this morning.  For those of you that are not familiar with this great lady, she served 11 years from 1979 to 1990 as the first and only female Prime Minister.  She won three General Elections, the longest anyone has held this post.  Last week I happened to watch the movie depicting her life, “Iron Lady,” and was inspired by her thoughts, leadership and vision for Britain during the cold war.   There was one...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on April 8, 2013

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