6 Actions That Define Great Senior Managers
Are you a bridge or a roadblock to your company’s success?
Executive Leaders set the strategy, Middle Managers execute the day-to-day, in between are Senior Managers..what do they need to do to be successful? Too often senior management creates a roadblock instead of a bridge to their organization’s success. That’s because filtering information from the top and molding it into a vision for the part of the organization they run, is a skill few people have any formal training in. Without the ability to properly filter, communicate and...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Management on January 12, 2013
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Six Actions to Take When Starting Your New Job
You got the job…now what?
Getting hired was just the first step. Now you are walking into your new position and need to hit the ground running. You want to learn as much as possible, as fast as possible…how do you do that? Here are six actions you can take to excel quickly in your new role.
Keep a daily journal.
At the end of each day take 20-30 minutes to write down what you learned about the business, the processes, the job expectations, the people you met and the interactions you will need with...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in New Employee, Promotion on June 28, 2012
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Developing An Emotionally Intelligent Organization
Breaking Down EQ Barriers By Giving Your Organization a Voice
Over the last few months I’ve spent a lot of time talking with executives about emotional intelligence and the impact it has on results. One individual whom I would deem as highly emotionally intelligent expressed disappointment in his own executive peer group. During their recent strategy session the dialog was focused on results, structural reasons for results, external market reasons for results, any reason for results that did not require an understanding or accountability for what is...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on November 3, 2013
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6 Approaches to Problem Solving For You & Your Team
Make your team’s problem solving strategy a competitive advantage.
Your ability to solve problems impacts success in life, as a team, and ultimately, the success of your business. That’s why it is so important to understand your strengths and weaknesses as you approach problems. This awareness can help you gage whether or not the situation requires your skill, the skill of another team member or a combination of the two. Effective problem solving is an opportunity to move forward, rather than mitigate a setback. If you approach it in that light,...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Management on June 16, 2013
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6 Approaches to Problem Solving- How Does Your Mind Work?
4 Steps to Making Your Team’s Problem Solving Strategy a Competitive Advantage
Your ability to solve problems impacts personal success in life, success as a team, and ultimately, the success of your business. That’s why it is so important to understand your strengths and weaknesses as you approach problems. This awareness can help you gage whether or not the situation requires your skill, the skill of another team member or a combination of the two. Effective problem solving offers an opportunity to move forward, rather than mitigate a setback. If you approach a...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on August 17, 2017
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Why Are Negotiation Skills Soooooo Scary?
Negotiation is simply communication with accountability.
Negotiation is a loaded term, one that many associate with conflict, selling, losers verses winners, intimidation, power struggles…the list goes on. Bottom line, most people associate Negotiation Skills with negative connotations, and because of that, the topic is scary to even think about. I review this issue with hundreds of people each year between my business clients and MBA students. I am not exaggerating when I tell you that over 90% of current and future business professionals in this mix...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on May 10, 2019
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Five Benefits of Professional Development
What are you doing to develop your skills?
We are all busy with work, family and our social activities; as a result, professional development is often neglected due to time constraints. If you are interested in developing your skills, but unsure of where to start, we recommend that first, you understand the benefits of professional development, then let those benefits guide you to the training that suites your needs. Here are Five Benefits of Professional Development to consider:
1) You can keep up with changing...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on May 30, 2012
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The Benefits of Team Building and Offsite Meetings
Is your conference room the right place for team building?
It is human nature to have a positive correlation between an individual’s motivation and their productivity. Taking it a step further, a group of motivated individuals can make a productive & creative team which can build better strategies, collaborate better for smoother implementations, develop more innovative products and services and participate in a better work life balance because the stress of everyone out for themselves diminishes.
So how do you motivate your team...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on June 20, 2012
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Tying Bonus Potential to Personality
4 Steps to Implement & Manage Positive Change in Your Team
There is nothing worse than an employee that drags down a team, but it happens all the time. Actually, there is something worse…a manager that does nothing about it. This is a common problem in the workplace, it affects morale, and although it may not be obvious in short-term results, long-term negative impact is real.
So what can you do about it? Well, you don’t want to “pick” on your employee, especially if they are a top performer; you want them to continue performing...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on December 15, 2014
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Workplace Bureaucracy – Learn to Break Through the Red Tape!
What does your company value most, your employees or your processes?
Workplace Bureaucracy can leave your company stagnant & demotivated. As a leader, a manager and an individual contributor, you should be looking to create a balance between creativity and consistency. Each one of us has the responsibility to improve our work environment.
Procedures, systems, controls, processes….we all complain about them or hear complaining from others, but they serve a purpose. Structure is good; it keeps our business consistent, helps us track our...Continue reading
By Lisa WoodsPosted in Operations on September 5, 2012
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