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Articles by Lisa Woods

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    September 8, 2013

    The Single Most Important Management Tool to Grow Your Business

    Is your organization ready to succeed?

    What is the most important management tool?  Good question, I’m glad you asked.  First let’s define Why it’s important to you and every other Manager or Leader interested in growing, fixing, or changing their bottom line results.  No matter what you are trying to achieve in your business, the best strategy in the world is completely ineffective without the ability to implement it effectively.   Business leaders get stuck defining the best strategy for their...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on September 8, 2013

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    August 9, 2013

    Marketing 101 With A Twist…Making It Effective - Podcast

    6 Benchmarks Every Marketer & Every Company Must Achieve

    Effective Marketing Means…spend the least amount of money to convert the greatest amount of sustainable revenue in the shortest amount of time.  That’s the twist on Marketing 101…Making It Effective.  You can do this by creating a cross-functional, integrated approach within your company.   Here are 6 benchmarks every Marketer & Every Company Must Achieve to Make Their Marketing Efforts Effective.   Presenter: Lisa Woods Length: 8...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Marketing & Innovation on August 9, 2013

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    August 6, 2013

    4 Essential Skills For Leaders, Managers & High Potentials: Workbook

    Are you setting yourself up for success?

      Use this workbook to assess your skills and be proactive about developing the skillset of successful professionals.   4 Essential Skills for Leaders, Managers & High Potentials It's a workbook and management tool for individual and team development.   Included in this book... A Self-Assessment Quiz to use on yourself and your team 100+ Actions you can take to improve your skills, and the skills of your employees A workbook to track your success & facilitate...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development Tools on August 6, 2013

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    August 6, 2013

    Emotional Intelligence In the Workplace: Template

    Learn To Develop Emotional Intelligence In Yourself & Your Team

    Emotional Intelligence is the ability to create a balance between knowing what you don’t know and that what you do know can be improved.  It also means you have the ability to see the same knowledge and balance in others; teaching them how to be aware and create a good balance for themselves.  In the workplace, Emotional intelligence will help you grow personally and professionally by developing it in yourself and teaching it to those around you. Here is a template you can use develop...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development Tools on August 6, 2013

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    August 5, 2013

    Strategic Leadership-How Strategic Are You?

    Three Key Components To Transform Strategy Into Results

    When we talk about being strategic we focus more on thinking and planning, than on leading and achieving.  The reality is that “being strategic” requires both; it’s the full transformation from dream to result.  It’s not that we forget to transform our vision, but often our approach to leading that change is not effective enough to generate our desired results.  Here is a model for strategic transformation-how to make your vision real.     Thinking &...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Leadership & Teambuilding on August 5, 2013

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    July 30, 2013

    Conducting Lessons Learned-Toolkit & Templates

    A Managers Guide for Continuous Improvement

    Here is a Toolkit for Conducting Lessons Learned:   The purpose of conducting lessons learned is to capture the knowledge learned during the course of business, or while implementing projects.  The goal is to encourage the recurrence of positive outcomes while deterring undesirable ones.  In order to do it well you must:   Identify best practices and lessons learned. Document these lessons. Archive lessons learned to save for future reference and for others to...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Management Tools on July 30, 2013

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    July 23, 2013

    Dealing With Difficult Personalities

    How to IDENTIFY them, how to WORK with them & how to MANAGE them.

    With the need to mobilize teams, improve work efficiencies and generate positive results, having productive relationships with your boss, your co-workers & your employees is essential to your success.   This ManagingAmericans On-Demand Webinar examines 11 difficult personalities types: how to identify them, work with them and manage them when they are your employees.  We will discus how to improve your own work culture and build a productive work environment for your team.  This...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on July 23, 2013

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    June 16, 2013

    6 Approaches to Problem Solving For You & Your Team

    Make your team’s problem solving strategy a competitive advantage.

    Your ability to solve problems impacts success in life, as a team, and ultimately, the success of your business. That’s why it is so important to understand your strengths and weaknesses as you approach problems.  This awareness can help you gage whether or not the situation requires your skill, the skill of another team member or a combination of the two.  Effective problem solving is an opportunity to move forward, rather than mitigate a setback.  If you approach it in that light,...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Management on June 16, 2013

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    June 2, 2013

    4 Essential Skills for Leaders, Managers & High Potentials

    A Must Have for Individual & Team Development

    It does not matter if you are a company President, Operations Leader, Customer Service Representative, Sales & Marketing Director or “name your title”…the need for continuous self improvement is universal.  Successful individuals make a proactive effort to continuously develop four Essential Skills to create a combined ability to:   1. Lead 2. Manage 3. Perform In Their Job 4. Communicate Effectively   This 4-pronged skillset applies to your job, no matter what...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on June 2, 2013

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    April 29, 2013

    Bridge The Gap Between Employee Needs & Employer Expectations

    Do You Lack The Tools & Resources To Do Your Job Effectively?

    From time to time we survey business professionals regarding challenges they face.  One of the most common responses is that they lack the tools & resources to do their jobs effectively.  This struggle spans all job levels and departmental functions, and most definitely impacts your own organization, possibly starting with you.  So what can you do to personally overcome this obstacle, and what can you as a manager or business leader do to proactively use this challenge as an opportunity...Continue reading

    By Lisa WoodsPosted in Professional Development on April 29, 2013

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